Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh the joys of a laughing babe

       Italia's been laughing for a while now. Anyone that's a parent knows that nothing captures your attention quite like a laughing baby. There is a special kind of joy, a rapture, that comes from every smile and giggle that a little one shares with the world.
      The very first time Tali giggled I was in the middle of changing her diaper and was playing with her legs and singing a funny/ridiculous song that I would be embarrassed if anyone else had heard. Of course I continued making a fool out of myself for at least another 15 minutes in order to get as many giggles as I possibly could. I'm sure anyone that's been around a baby has experienced this.  It doesn't matter how bonkers you're being as long as the baby is smiling and/or laughing.  She'd made sounds that I like to call "pre-giggles" before, but this was the first time that I knew with out a doubt I was making my baby laugh.
        I've since learned that Tali LOVES to bounce. She'll be laying on the bed and I'll kneel over her and jump up and down and she'll giggle up a storm, and if she's not giggling, she's cooing and talking to me.  I'm not sure which I love more, to hear my baby jabber away at me, telling me many, what I'm sure are very important, stories, or to hear her cry of joy and know that I caused it.
       Today, Tali released her longest string of full on belly laughs I have ever heard --hence the blog entry.  I was carrying her to the office and started to walk in a very bouncy fashion and she started to laugh like crazy.  I reached the office and continued to walk in a circle with my bouncy steps for a good 10 minutes basking in the joy that was overflowing from my daughter.  I'm sure anyone that saw me through the window must have gotten a good laugh themselves.
         I always knew that I would enjoy being a mother, I just never knew how much I was going to utterly love it!  I'm sure a lot of that has to do with the fact that I was blessed with the happiest baby I have ever met.  Every morning I get to wake up to my wonderful husband on one side, and my beautiful smiling baby on the other.  Yes, she does in fact wake up smiling, without fail, every morning. Who wouldn't want to start their day like that?
         I'm so very grateful for my hard working husband and his job that allows me to stay home with my little Tali girl.  I always planned to be a stay at home mom if I could, but I secretly dreaded it, thinking that I would miss the life I left behind.  Now that it's here, I wonder how I ever could have thought such silly things.

     Sometimes when I tell other, more experienced, mom's this they say "Just you wait, soon enough...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."  I think it's sad so many wish to blast young mothers with the "woes" of motherhood rather than share all the joys that are yet to come.  So if you're reading this, please share what you love most about being a mother.  Whether it's the tender moments you share while quietly breastfeeding in the wee hours of the morning, or the nonsensical knock-knock jokes they tell that only a two year old would find funny.  Or if there's to many to choose from, share the first time you can remember hearing your little one laugh.

1 comment:

  1. I always knew it was going to be hard work to be a mother, but I didn't realize how much FUN it would be! My little William is such a sweet baby, he loves it when I kiss his cheeks without stopping, or stick my chin beneath his and make silly noises. I love it! The first time he really laughed was when he was laying on the floor, soooooooooo tired, and I made an obnoxious fart sound. He laaaaaaughed, and laughed, and laughed! It was so CUTE! I didn't stop for ages just because I didn't want it to end!
